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International Journal of Fluid and Thermal Engineering

  • ISSN (Print) : xxxx-xxxx
  • ISSN (Online) : 2455-3670
  • Impact Factor :
  • Frequency : 02
  • Publisher : A D Publication

Jounaral Scope

International Journal of Fluid and Thermal Engineering (IJFTE) is peer- reviewed  (refereed)  international journal published by A D Publication. Its aim to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current and Futuristic research. It is a leading e-journal, under which we are encouraging and exploring newer ideas of current trends in research by publishing papers containing pure knowledge. The Journal is started with noble effort to help the researchers in their work and also to share knowledge and research ideas. The journal reviews papers within short time of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final versions.

Salient Feature

Open access Journal : Journal is an open access journal and the paper published in the serial publication can be downloaded from the archive section free of cost in pdf format.

Reputed Editorial Board : Journal has a panel of distinguished Editorial Board members from multiple countries along with finest reviewers to strengthen the quality of publication.

Strict Plagiarism Policy : Each manuscript passes through our Plagiarism testing tool before issuance of Acceptance for publication in Journal.

Rapid Publication Process : The paper submitted to Journal is evaluated within a period of 2-3 weeks for acceptance/ rejection after plagiarism testing and peer review followed by a simple and fast publication process.

Certification of Publication : A Softcopy of Certificate of Publication is issued to the corresponding author free of cost. Authors can also order for Hard copy certificates if required for academic purposes.

Highly Indexed & Impact Factor Journal : Journal is indexed with google scholar, Issuu, dox top,, docstoc , Scribd, Slide share, etc.

Online paper Submission : Authors can submit manuscript online.

Nominal Processing and Publication Charges : Nominal Processing & Publishing Charges (Includes online publication, Indexing & Abstracting in various online repositories, Soft copy of certificate to each author, Soft copy of letter of acceptance, Soft copy of reviewer evaluation card). There is no hidden cost. The hardcopy certificates can be ordered @ Rs 200 (INR) / $20 per author per certificate for academic purpose (optional).

Environment Friendly Policy : We insist for ONLINE publication only, as the journal is open access, so one can download the published papers for unrestricted reprints as and when required. We believe that we have a responsibility towards the environment and every paper saved is worth saving the Mother Nature.

International Journal of Fluid and Thermal Engineering (IJFTE) publishes original, high-quality research papers in area of fluid and thermal engineering.

Component and system design covers energy use both fluid and thermal processes involved in different aspects of engineering. For the former, the design problems associated with the integration of components into overall plant are also covered.

The journal features aspects of the thermal engineering of advanced processes, including process integration, intensification and development, heat transfer, alltogether with the application of thermal equipment in process plants. The optimisation of processes to maximise performance is also included.

A wide range of equipment is relevant to Fluid engineering, such as hydraulic pumps, hydraulic turbines, equipment and components involving fluid flow, flow over aerofoil sections, including those related to aerospace applications. 

A wide range of equipment is relevant to thermal engineering, such as heat exchangers (compact and advanced designs), heat pumps and refrigeration plant, heat pipes, combined heat and power and advanced cycles, heat transfer enhancement as applied to the above, and other unit operations involving thermal engineering procedures, including those related to renewable sources.

Computational fluid dynamics use related to fluid and thermal engineering will also be considered for this journal.

The application of fluid and thermal engineering is becoming critical in specific areas such as aerospace, electronics thermal management and medicine, as well as equipment used by the armed forces. Papers on such challenging applications are often a springboard for technology transfer to other areas, and are encouraged. Short communications in the form of 'Case Studies' will be considered.

A theme running through many papers will be energy. Energy conservation, including heat recovery, the rational use of energy and renewable energy technologies are inevitable features of thermal engineering across all applications. As we see an increasing interest in the use of, for example, renewable energy including solar energy in the process industries, the integration of renewable energy and 'conventional' processes is a topic of relevance. Improved efficiency and alternative equipment for reducing emissions is an increasingly important aspect of all energy use.

Economics plays a necessary role in the assessment of many thermal engineering projects. Submissions devoted to or considering the financial implications of equipment designs are welcome. Information on the different economic criteria applying in particular regions of the world is relevant.

Review articles on appropriate topics are encouraged. Before submitting such a paper, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, with an outline of your proposed paper and your expertise in the area of your review.

Chief Editor:

Prof. & Dr. Nikul K Patel

Mechanical Engineering Department,Faculty of Technology & Engineering,The M S University Baroda,Gujarat,India

Ex. Hon. Secretary cum Treasure,Indian Society for Technical Education,Gujarat State.

Chairman,Board of Studies,Mechnical Engineering,The M S University Baroda, Gujarat, India.

General Secretary,Baroda University Teachers Forum.

Vice Chairman,Shreenath Classic Owners Association.

State Coordinator,Rajiv Gandhi Study Circle,Gujarat State.

Googlescholer ID

Research Gate ID

Associate Editor:

Dr. Hitesh Panchal

GoogleScholer ID

Scopus ID

Mendeley ID


Editor Board:

Dr. Manish K Rathod

Mechanical Engineering Department ,SVNIT,Surat,Gujarat,India

Prof. (Dr) Shailesh Shah

Professor,Department of Chemistry,Faculty of Science,The M S University Baroda,Gujarat,India

Dr. S.Ramesh

Department of Mechanical Engineering KCG Nagar, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Karapakkam, Chennai - 600 097,India

Dr. Tawfiq Chekifi

University Tahri Mohamed Bechar, BP 417 Route de Knadsa, ENERGARID LABORATORY- 08000 , Bechar, Algeria

Dr. Guelailia Ahmed

Research department in space mechanics, Algerian space agency, Algeria

Prof. Oguz Arslan

Mechanical Engineering Department Dumlupinar University, Kutahya, Turkey

Dr. D B Jani

Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering Department, Government Engineering College, Dahod-389151.

Dr. Ali Amiri

Department of Mechanical Engineering , Tsinghua University

Dr. Mohamed Teggar

Laboratory of Mechanics, University of Laghouat, Algeria

Dr. S A Mohan Krishna

Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, India

Anand K Patel

University of North Texas

Dr. Mayur D Kevat

Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India

Dr Nikul K Patel

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology & Engineering, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Volumn : 11, Issue : 1
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  1. All Papers are considered to be the property of A D Publication International Journal from the time of submission.
  2. Only original papers will be accepted and published.
  3. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission to reproduce copyrighted material in his article.
  4. All submissions are subject to anonymous review.
  5. Articles submitted to this journal will be considered on the understanding that, the entire copyright shall pass to the A D Publication International Journal.
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International Journal of Fluid and Thermal Engineering

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