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Unit of A D Research Organization

Peer Review Process

Step 1: Author will have to upload their paper online or e-mail to editor.


Step 2: Once a paper/manuscript is submitted, chief Editor is assigned the paper/manuscript to most appropriate Editor, to handle it based on the subject of the paper/manuscript and the availability of the Editors. If the Chief Editor determines that the paper/manuscript is not of sufficient quality to go through the normal review process or if the subject of the manuscript is not appropriate to the journal scope, the Chief Editor rejects the paper/manuscript and notify to author .it is end of process.


Step 3: If the paper/manuscript accepted by Chief Editor it would be sent to two individual reviewers for pear review.


Step 4: The reviewers submit their reports on the paper/manuscript and gives the status to the Chief Editor as follows:

[1] paper/Manuscript may be accepted.

[2] paper/Manuscript may be accepted with minor changes.

[3] paper/Manuscript may be accepted with major changes.

[4] paper/Manuscript may be rejected.


Step 5: Chief Editor will notify to author as per reviewer reports. If paper/Manuscript may accept, Chief Editor will notify to author via e-mail. If paper/Manuscript may accept with minor/major changes, Chief Editor will notifies to author via e-mail to for necessary correction as per reviewer report. If paper/Manuscript may reject, Chief Editor will notify to author and it is end of process.


Step 6: Author will resubmit paper/Manuscript as per reviewer report to Chief Editor.


Step 7: Chief Editor evaluate paper/Manuscript and will notify to author regarding to acceptance.


Step 8: Author will Send scan copy of the filled copy right form, Final paper copy in .doc or .docx format and receipt of publication charges and send to Chief Editor by online system.


Step 9: Chief Editor will send the final paper/manuscripts to Publisher to publish in the current issue.


Step 10: Publisher will publish the accepted final paper/manuscripts.


Step 11: Chief Editor gives the published paper/manuscripts information to the corresponding by E-Mail.

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